025: Remember to Breathe

"Always remember to breathe."

My old roommate Ryan gave me that advice a few years ago.

I'm forgetting why, but I was super stressed (maybe was the time I lost $5k to a defective shipment of laptop sleeves).

Anyway, the advice helped.

It struck me as simple, yet profound.

No matter how I feel, I can control the rhythm of my breath.

It's so easy to forget that.

Because if I do, I won't stop breathing. I just may breathe more erratically and not realize it.

In these crazy times, remember: you control the rhythm of your breath.

You control your own perceptions.

You have the freedom to breathe and the freedom to think.

If you are worried to be wrong, you will never be right.

If you are worried to be embarrassed, you will never take a chance.

If you are worried to be good, you will never be great.

How to get rid of worry? You can't get rid of it. But you can remember to breathe.

Quote I'm Pondering

"Don't try to change the world. Find something that you love, and do it everyday. Do that for the rest of your life, and eventually the world will change."

- Macklemore