031: Fluid Motion

I found a trick to enter a cold pool. Just don't stop. Once you move towards the pool, don't stop your motion. Snap your fingers,…

030: Background Noise

Here's the scene: I'm in a yoga class. In a calm voice, the teacher instructs to do "downward dog" position. From her to…

029: Afraid to Fail?

“Don’t be afraid to fail,” your high school friend posted on Instagram. A confident lion, slightly blurred, roars in the background. The fo…

028: How?

Elon Musk just tweeted "who controls the memes, controls the Universe." It's true. If you can make a meme, you can share you…

027: Karma

Karma does not mean "you get what you give." Karma means "you are what you give." It could not be any other way. What…

026: Leaf Debris

I'm feeling sick today. I went for a run yesterday, and after had a cold. I am suspicious! Of the man with a leaf blower who I passed…

025: Remember to Breathe

"Always remember to breathe." My old roommate Ryan gave me that advice a few years ago. I'm forgetting why, but I was super…

024: Injustice and Friendship

I saw the video of George Floyd being arrested (and killed) by a police officer. Did you tense up at that first sentence? I did. It's…